
EditPlus 3.31简体中文版(烈火)

授权形式: 免费版
更新时间: 2011-11-14 13:46:03
软件语言: 简体中文
软件平台: Windows
软件类别: 国外软件
文件大小: 1.6MB
评论等级: ★★★☆☆
下载次数: 0(今日:,本周:,本月:


EditPlus是一套功能强大,可取代记事本的文字编辑器,拥有无限制的 Undo/Redo、英文拼字检查、自动换行、列数标记、搜寻取代、同时编辑多文件、全屏幕浏览功能。而它还有一个好用的功能,就是它有监视剪贴簿的功能,能够同步于剪贴簿自动将文字贴进 EditPlus 的编辑窗口中,让你省去做贴上的步骤。另外它也是一个好用的 HTML 编辑器,除了可以颜色标记 HTML Tag (同时支持 C/C++、Perl、Java) 外,还内建完整的 HTML 和 CSS1 指令功能,对于习惯用记事本编辑网页的朋友,它可帮你节省一半以上的网页制作时间,若你有安装 IE 3.0 以上版本,它还会结合 IE 浏览器于 EditPlus 窗口中,让你可以直接预览编辑好的网页 (若没安装 IE,也可指定浏览器路径)。

EditPlus 3.31.1100 (2011-11-09)

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.31.

* Independent scrollbars for splitted panes.
* Fixes invalid 'TortoiseSVN not found' error.
* Supports CHMOD command from the Directory Window.
* 'Use TortoiseGit' menu option ('File'->'TSVN').
* 'Refresh' command in the Cliptext window didn't work.
* FTP could not open file with space in the name.
* Toobar button for 'Line Comment Indent'.
* Fixes CSS syntax highlighting for numbers.
* Allows sorting of 'Web server root directoy' settings.
* 'Shell Menu' menu command on the Directory Window.
* Word highlighting could not handle tab characters.
* 'Use Pageant' option could fail if multiple keys are present.
* Fixes wrong 'file modified' warning on some network drives.
* Window position could be wrongly restored if taskbar is on the left side.
* 'Find in Files' command could cause memory leak.
* SOCKS5 proxy option.
* 'Show result in a new document' option on the 'Find in Files' dialog box.
* 'Scroll Sync' menu option ('Window'->'Others').
* 'View'->'White Spaces'->'All' command.
* 'Marker List' command ('Search'->'Marker').
* Cold Folding didn't work correctly with line comments.
* 'List' button on the Replace dialog box.
