强制启用Firefox 3.6不兼容扩展的方法(Nightly Tester Tools)

2010-08-28 10:55:38来源:西部e网作者:

升级到Firefox 3.6发现很多扩展都不能使用了,比如常用的Easy DragToGo和IE Tab,以前在Firefox 3.5下用的好好的,一旦不能使用还真的有些不习惯!

后来终于发现了Coral IE Tab来替代IE Tab,但是却没有发现比Easy DragToGo更方便的拖拽扩展插件。偶然间发现了一个貌似比较老的扩展,它的功能很简单,就是批量强制启用Firefox不兼容扩展,这个扩展名字叫做Nightly Tester Tools,操作十分方便,安装后点击“Override all compatibility”按钮,就可以将所有不兼容新版本Firefox 3.6的扩展全部可用!

Nightly Tester Tools组件地址为:https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/6543

This extension adds a few extras useful to those that regularly test nightly builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird and Toolkit Seamonkey (Suiterunner).

The following is a brief list of the extension's features, for the full set of features please visit the extension home page.

* Extension compatibility fixing
* Titlebar customisation
* Build ID retrieval
* Screenshots
* Breakpad information
* Restoring tabs from previous session
* Leak log analysis
