Adobe Reader Lite 9.20下载

2010-08-28 10:55:30来源:西部e网作者:

Adobe Reader Lite是非官方的简化版本,因为Adobe Reader是在有点大,很多没用的东西都放在里面,而且安全性也不高,很多朋友都开始用上了国产的Foxit Reader。

PDF (Portable Document Format) 文件格式是电子发行文档的事实上的标准,Adobe Acrobat Reader 是一个查看、阅读和打印 PDF 文件的最佳工具。而且它是免费的。新版增加了两个 Acrobat plugs-ins (Acrobat Search and AutoIndx),它可以在硬盘、CD 和局域网中搜索用 Acrobat Catalog tool 创建了索引文件的多个 PDF 文件。

Adobe Reader Lite 9.20

- removed autorun and desktop shortcuts.
- converted the startmenu shortcut to non-advertised.
- removed several features and plugins that the average user has no need for. (Lite version)
- removed Beyond Adobe and Lic. Agreement popups.
- removed all (auto)update® features.
- removed AcroRd32Info.exe because it was a waste of good memory, and space

下载:Adobe Reader Lite
下载:Adobe Reader 9.2.0
下载:Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.2.0
