Techsmith SnagIt v9.0.2+注册码

2010-08-28 10:53:54来源:西部e网作者:

SnagIt screen capture lets you capture, edit, and share exactly what you see on your screen - fast Capture anything on your screen - from an area to a scrolling web page.

Edit your screen capture using the built-in image editor. Share, save, and print your screen capture in the format of your choice.

SnagIt 拥有 15 年历史的老牌屏幕捕捉软件。它支持各种形式的图像捕捉~常见的范围、窗口、滚动页面捕捉当然不话下。还有捕捉 DirectX 表面捕捉(游戏) 和视频捕捉 (将您屏幕中的所有动作录制成影片,支持所有视频编码器) 更有超强的 web 捕捉功能~它可以自动扫描指定网址内所有图片并把它下载下来~支持几乎所有常见的图片格式~更可以将整个网页保存为 Flash 或 PDF 格式方便阅览。此软件还附带了一个简易的图像编辑工具和一个管理工具~方便后期的管理~ .

- Fixed a bug where SnagIt could not save to the PSD format.
- Fixed a bug where user-created quick styles were not saved.
- Fixed a bug with the COM server failing on every second capture.
- Fixed a bug with the Word add-in not properly scaling large captures.
- Fixed several crash bugs from Windows Error Reporting.

下载: SnagIt 9.0.2
下载: SnagIt 9.0.2+注册码


