妙解Adobe Acrobat 8在Vista下安装的问题

2010-08-28 10:51:53来源:西部e网作者:

当在Vista下安装Adobe Photoshop CS 8或者Adobe Acrobat 8时候,但是安装过程中常常会出现如下的错误:

Windows Installer

The Temp folder is on a drive that is full or is inaccessible.Free up space on the drive or verify that you have write permission on the temp folder.


如果你安装的是Photoshop CS 8,在安装软件时候,安装程序会在系统中解压出来一些文推荐,一般在“X:\用户名\Appdata\local\Temp”中。将其中的Adobe Reader 8.0文件夹拷贝到其它目录下,然后再运行其中的“setup.exe文件就可以了。其实这个也是Adobe Reader 8的问题。在下面有解决安装不上Adobe Reader 8的方法。

如果安装的是Adobe Acrobat 8,就按照以下解决方法,这里我就不翻译了,大家自己看吧!


1. I can certainly try to grab the files by copying them out before I dismiss the dialog.
2. I can turn UAC back on. Nah.
3. I can also unpack the Setup Files from the Netopsystem's package myself manually via (someone remind me what Netopsystems is good for again? Are their files so small that they are worth this pain over ZIP? Or just the MSI itself? I've only ever seen their stuff in Acrobat.):

AdbeRdr80_en_US.exe -nos_s -nos_ne -nos_o C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\AdobeReader8

4. I can wait until this is fixed.


