phpMyAdmin 2.10.3 Final 多国语言版

2010-08-28 10:51:44来源:西部e网作者:

phpMyAdmin 是一个用PHP编写的,可以通过互联网控制和操作MySQL。通过phpMyAdmin可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制/删除数据等等。

- bug #1734285 Copy database with VIEWs- bug #1722502 DROP TABLE in export VIEW- bug #1729027 Sorting results of VIEW browsing- bug #1733012 Unwanted table alias in delete button- bug #1736405 Pretty printer and HTML line breaks- bug #1745257 Invalid DB name is still displayed- bug #1730367 Calendar "Go" has no effect- bug #1748633 Incorrect parameter validation for VIEWs+ [lang] Russian revision, thanks to Victor Volkov and the users of Do not try to delete an internal relation if we just deleted an InnoDB one

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