NET Web产品(ASP.NET, Silverlight, IIS7)路线图

2010-08-28 10:52:45来源:西部e网作者:

上个星期,我们发布了Visual Studio 2008 和.NET 3.5。这个发布对.NET来说,非常巨大,它为web,客户端,办公,和移动开发提供了成堆的新功能和众多的改进。

在下几个月里,我们将发布建造在Visual Studio 2008 和.NET 3.5基础之上的一系列另外的产品,进一步完善.NET开发。下面是一些我的团队正在开发的,预定要在几个月内发布的.NET web开发方面的产品的路线图:

发布.NET Framework库的源码

上个月,我们宣布了我们将提供给开发人员下载和浏览.NET Framework库的源码的能力,以及使用Visual Studio 2008来启用集成的源码调试功能。

我们目前正在完成提供这些源码的源码服务器的最后部署,不久就会发布如何在Visual Studio 2008中启用集成调试体验的说明。一旦发布,我会在博客里讨论启用这个功能的详细步骤。

ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions(扩展)

VS 2008 和.NET 3.5包含了成堆的ASP.NET开发方面的新特性。我们计划在明年发布的“ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions”产品里提供更多的ASP.NET功能,下个星期你将可以在网上下载这个产品的第一个公开预览版。

下个星期的ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions预览版将包括:

# ASP.NET MVC: 这个ASP.NET模型/视图/控制器(MVC)框架提供了结构化的模型,促成了web应用中的清晰关注分离,方便你单元测试你的代码和支持TDD流程.它还帮着提供了对你发布在应用中的URL更多的控制,以及从中输出的HTML的更多的控制.你可以在我的ASP.NET MVC教程系列的第一部分中了解有关详情.我希望在这个周末能找到时间撰写和发表这个系列的第二部分.

# ASP.NET AJAX改进: ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions中的新ASP.NET AJAX特性将包括更好的浏览器历史支持(往前,往后按钮的集成,通过 <asp:history> 新服务器端控件实现的服务器端历史管理支持),通过永久链接(permalinks)实现的改良的AJAX内容链接,以及另外的JavaScript库改进等.

# ASP.NET动态数据支持: ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions将提供允许你更快速地创建数据驱动网站的新特性,它提供了丰富的scaffolding框架(【注】scaffolding,字典上是脚手架,搭脚手架,支架的意思,在这里大概的意思是指生成基本的应用代码,譬如可以根据数据库内的数据定义生成跟产品有关的模型,控制器,以及视图等),允许你使用ASP.NET WebForms和ASP.NET MVC进行快速的数据驱动网站的开发.

# ASP.NET Silverlight支持: 随着ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions的发布,我们将提供将Silverlight轻松集成进你的ASP.NET应用的支持,这些支持将包括一些新控件,它们方便你在网站上集成Silverlight视频,音频和可交互性内容.

# ADO.NET Data Services (数据服务): 与此同时,我们还将发布ADO.NET Entity Framework(实体框架).这提供了一个新的建模框架,允许开发人员定义与数据库数据定义相对应的概念性模型,这个概念性模型与信息的现实世界观更为接近.我们还将发布一套新的数据服务(代号名为“Astoria”),方便你从ASP.NET应用中呈示基于REST的API端点.

Silverlight 2.0

2个月前,我们发布了可用于Mac和Windows的Silverlight 1.0,同时宣布了准备在Linux上推出Silverlight的计划。Silverlight 1.0注重于在浏览器中促成丰富的媒体场景,以及支持一个JavaScript/AJAX编程模型。

明年,我们将推出Silverlight的一个重大的更新版,注重于促进RIA应用的开发。这个发布将包括跨平台,跨浏览器版本的.NET Framework,促成浏览器中的丰富的.NET开发平台。今年早些时候,我们发布了一个早期Alpha版本,内含一些该产品的基本的功能。我们下一个 公开预览版将显著增加功能集。在下一个Silverlight公开预览版中将包括下面这些特定于.NET的新特性:

#WPF UI Framework(界面框架): 目前的Silverlight Alpha版只包含一些基本的控件支持以及一个绘制界面的托管API.下一Silverlight公开预览版将增加对WPF界面框架的更高级特性的支持.这些包括:可扩展的控件框架模型,布局管理器支持,双向数据绑定支持,控件模板和皮肤支持.Silverlight中的WPF界面框架将是与上个星期发布的.NET Framework 3.5中的WPF界面框架的一个兼容子集.
#丰富的控件: Silverlight将提供一套丰富的控件,使得建造RIA应用极其容易.Silverlight的下一个公开预览版将增加对核心表单控件(文本框,复选框,单选框等),内置的布局管理控件(StackPanel, Grid等),常用的功能控件(TabControl, Slider, ScrollViewer, ProgressBar等),以及数据操作控件(DataGrid等)等的支持.
#丰富的网络支持: Silverlight将提供丰富的网络支持.下一个预览版将增加对REST, POX, RSS, 和 WS* 通讯的支持.它还将增加对跨域网络访问的支持(这样Silverlight客户端可以访问网上任何一个可信任来源的资源和数据).
#丰富的基本类库支持: Silverlight将包括丰富的.NET基本功能类库的支持 (集合,IO,泛型,线程,全球化,XML,本地储存等).下一个公开预览版还将增加对LINQ to XML和与更丰富的HTML DOM API集成的内置支持.

我们以前一直把这个启用了.NET的Silverlight版本称为“Silverlight V1.1”。在退后一步,仔细看了其中包括的所有新功能之后(上面列出的只不过是一部分功能而已,还有许许多多的特性我们还没透露呢),我们意识到,将其 称为1.1实在没有反映出它的真实本性来。因此,我们决定改名,在以后将其称为“Silverlight V2.0”。

我们将在2008年的第一个季度发布Silverlight 2.0的Beta版。这个Beta将支持一个Go-Live许可,允许开发人员开始建造和部署Silverlight 2.0应用。

我 们还将发布一个免费的Visual Studio 2008工具更新,以在Visual Studio 2008内提供极棒的Silverlight 2.0工具支持,允许开发人员轻松地使用任何.NET语言建造Silverlight 应用。我们将同时在Visual Studio 2008的标准和专业版以及免费的Visual Studio 2008 Express版本中支持Silverlight开发。

我将在几个星期内开始撰写一个新的博客教程系列,讨论如何建造Silverlight 2.0应用,深入透彻地展示其中的新功能。欲知详情,请留意我的博客。

IIS 7.0

明年早些时候,我们将作为Windows Server 2008的一部分发布IIS 7.0的最终版。IIS 7.0是我们web服务产品的重大更新,引进了显著改进的和新的扩展性,配置和管理架构。

IIS 7.0中一个非常酷的东西是它与.NET Framework有着极其良好的集成,允许你使用任何.NET语言扩展和定制服务器。你现在可以轻松地使用VB和C#来做一些以前需要非常繁琐的C++ ISAPI才能编写的东西。在服务器上对web应用的部署,管理和日常事务现在IIS和ASP.NET下统一起来了。

我们不久还将开 始与大家分享新的IIS的web应用部署框架的细节,该框架允许你轻松地自动化在单机服务器或跨web farm机器上部署web应用。它将方便你对web应用进行版本控制(包括允许你快速回滚到先前的版本),以及在多个服务器间对他们进行自动调配,它还允 许你实现部署任务的完全自动化(包括通过命令行以及PowerShell脚本API)。IIS7和这个web部署框架的组合将允许你比过去任何时候都能更 好地部署和扩缩你的ASP.NET服务器应用。


上个星期的VS 2008和.NET 3.5的发布对.NET开发来说,是向前跨出的巨大的一步。这个发布不光提供了成堆的新的语言,运行时和工具特性,而且更重要的是,提供了一个我们将来可 以建筑在其之上的非常坚实的基础。请留意我的博客,我会对上面提到的产品做更详细的讨论。


.NET Web Product Roadmap (ASP.NET, Silverlight, IIS7)

Last week we shipped Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5.  This release is a big one for .NET, and delivers a ton of new capabilities and improvements for web, client, office and mobile development.

Over the next few months we'll be delivering a series of additional products that build on top of this VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 foundation, and make .NET development even better.  Below is a road-map of some of the upcoming initiatives and releases for .NET web development that my team is currently working on for the months ahead:

Releasing the Source Code for the .NET Framework Libraries

We announced last month that we'll provide the ability for developers to download and browse the source code of the .NET Framework libraries, as well as enable integrated source debugging of them using Visual Studio 2008.  You can learn more about this in my blog post here.

We are finishing up the final deployment of the source servers that host this now, and will be publishing instructions on how to enable the integrated debugging experience within Visual Studio 2008 shortly.  I'll blog detailed steps on how to turn this feature on once it is available.

ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Release

VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 include a ton of new features for ASP.NET development.  We are planning to deliver even more ASP.NET functionality next year with a "ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions" release.  The first public preview of this will be available for download next week on the web.

Next week's ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions preview release will include:

  • ASP.NET MVC: This model view controller (MVC) framework for ASP.NET provides a structured model that enables a clear separation of concerns within web applications, and makes it easier to unit test your code and support a TDD workflow.  It also helps provide more control over the URLs you publish in your applications, and more control over the HTML that is emitted from them.  You can learn more about it from Part 1 of my ASP.NET MVC Tutorial series.  I'm hoping to find time this weekend to write and post Part 2 of the series.
  • ASP.NET AJAX Improvements: New ASP.NET AJAX features in the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions release will include better browser history support (back/forward button integration, and server-side history management support via a new <asp:history> server control), improved AJAX content linking support with permalinks, and additional JavaScript library improvements.
  • ASP.NET Dynamic Data Support: The ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions release will deliver new features that enable faster creation of data driven web sites.  It provides a rich scaffolding framework, and enables rapid data driven site development using both ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC.
  • ASP.NET Silverlight Support: With the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions release we'll deliver support for easily integrating Silverlight within your ASP.NET applications.  Included will be new controls that make it easy to integrate Silverlight video/media and interactive content within your sites.
  • ADO.NET Data Services: In parallel with the ASP.NET Extensions release we will also be releasing the ADO.NET Entity Framework.  This provides a new modeling framework that enables developers to define a conceptual model of a database schema that closely aligns to a real world view of the information.  We will also be shipping a new set of data services (codename "Astoria") that make it easy to expose REST based API endpoints from within your ASP.NET applications.

Silverlight 2.0 Release

Two months ago we shipped Silverlight 1.0 for Mac and Windows, and announced our plans to deliver Silverlight on Linux.  Silverlight 1.0 is focused on enabling rich media scenarios in a browser, and supports a JavaScript/AJAX programming model.

Next year we will be releasing a major update of Silverlight that focuses on enabling rich Internet applications.  This release will include a cross-platform, cross-browser version of the .NET Framework, and will enable a rich .NET development platform in the browser.  Earlier this year we shipped an early Alpha containing some of the basic functionality of the release.  Our next public preview will add considerably to this feature set.  Some of the new .NET specific features in the next public Silverlight preview will include:

  • WPF UI Framework: The current Silverlight Alpha release only includes basic controls support and a managed API for UI drawing.  The next public Silverlight preview will add support for the higher level features of the WPF UI framework.  These include: the extensible control framework model, layout manager support, two-way data-binding support, and control template and skinning support.  The WPF UI Framework features in Silverlight will be a compatible subset of the WPF UI Framework features in last week's .NET Framework 3.5 release.

  • Rich Controls: Silverlight will deliver a rich set of controls that make building Rich Internet Applications much easier.  The next Silverlight preview release will add support for core form controls (textbox, checkbox, radiobutton, etc), built-in layout management controls (StackPanel, Grid, etc), common functionality controls (TabControl, Slider, ScrollViewer, ProgressBar, etc) and data manipulation controls (DataGrid, etc).

  • Rich Networking Support: Silverlight will deliver rich networking support.  The next Silverlight preview release will add support for REST, POX, RSS, and WS* communication.  It will also add support for cross domain network access (so that Silverlight clients can access resources and data from any trusted source on the web).

  • Rich Base Class Library Support: Silverlight will include a rich .NET base class library of functionality (collections, IO, generics, threading, globalization, XML, local storage, etc).  The next Silverlight preview release will also add built-in support for LINQ to XML and richer HTML DOM API integration.

Previously we've been referring to this .NET-enabled Silverlight release as "Silverlight V1.1".  After stepping back and looking at all the new features in it (the above list is only a subset - there are many more we aren't sharing yet), we've realized that calling it a point release doesn't really reflect the true nature of it.  Consequently we have decided to change the name and refer to it as "Silverlight V2.0" going forward.

We will be releasing a Beta of Silverlight 2.0 in Q1 of 2008.  This Beta will support a Go-Live license that enables developers to begin building and deploying Silverlight 2.0 applications.

We will also be releasing a free Visual Studio 2008 tools update that provides great Silverlight 2.0 tools support within Visual Studio 2008, and enables developers to easily build Silverlight applications using any .NET language.  We will be supporting Silverlight development with both the Visual Studio 2008 Standard/Professional products, as well as with the free Visual Studio 2008 Express editions.

I'm going to be starting a new blog tutorial series in a few weeks that discusses how to build Silverlight 2.0 applications, and show off the new features in more depth.  Stay tuned for more details soon.

IIS 7.0

Early next year we'll ship the final release of IIS 7.0 as part of the Windows Server 2008 release.  As I've blogged about in the past, IIS 7.0 is a major update of our web-server stack, and introduces a significantly new and improved extensibility, configuration and administration architecture. 

One of the really cool things about IIS 7.0 is that it is all nicely integrated with the .NET Framework, and enables you to use any .NET language to extend and customize the server.  You can now easily do things in VB and C# that previously required writing a pretty gnarly C++ ISAPI.  The deployment, management and administration of web applications on the server is also now nicely unified across IIS and ASP.NET.

We will also shortly begin sharing details of a new web application deployment framework for IIS that enables you to easily automate the deployment of web applications on either a single server or across a web farm of machines.  It will make it easy to version your web applications (including allowing you to quickly roll back to previous versions), as well as automatically provision them across multiple servers.  It also enables the full automation of deployment tasks (including via both command-line and PowerShell scripting APIs).  The combination of IIS7 with this web deployment framework will enable you to deploy and scale your ASP.NET server applications better than ever before.


Last week's VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 release was a huge step forward for .NET development.  The release not only delivered a ton of great new language, runtime and tool features, but even more importantly provided a really solid foundation that we'll be building upon in the months and years ahead.  Stay tuned to my blog for more details about each of the above releases.

Hope this helps,



