SnagIt 8.2.0下载!兼容Vista 和Office 2007

2010-08-28 10:50:27来源:西部e网作者:

一个非常优秀的屏幕、文本和视频捕获与转换程序。 可以捕获Windows屏幕、DOS屏幕;RM电影、游戏画面;菜单、窗口、客户区窗口、最后一个激活的窗口或用鼠标定义的区域。图象可被存为BMP、PCX、TIF、GIF或JPEG格式,也可以存为系列动画。使用JPEG可以指定所需的压缩级(从1%到99%)。可以选择是否包括光标,添加水印。另外还具有自动缩放,颜色减少,单色转换,抖动,以及转换为灰度级。 此外,保存屏幕捕获的图象前,可以用其自带的编辑器编辑;也可以选择自动将其送至SnagIt打印机或Windows剪贴板中,也可以直接用E-mail发送。 SnagIt具有将显示在Windows桌面上的文本块转换为机器可读文本的独特能力,这里甚至无需剪切和粘贴。 程序支持DDE,所以其他程序可以控制和自动捕获屏幕。还能嵌入Word、PowerPoint和IE浏览器中。

Compatible with Vista and Office 2007
Whenever you’re ready to upgrade to Office 2007 or try new technologies like Vista, you can rely on SnagIt to continue to capture anything on your screen.

Send Captures Directly to Your Favorite Apps
With SnagIt’s new output accessories you can send your captures directly to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, MindManager, or Flickr, with a single click.

SnagIt’s output accessories are individual files, so you can download and install just the ones you want, anytime. We’ll be offering more accessories in the near future, so keep an eye on our SnagIt Accessories page for new additions.

Print Exactly What You Want
Tired of your screen captures printing the size of a postage stamp? SnagIt 8.2 makes it easy to print captures exactly the way you see them onscreen – the right way, every time. Images and scrolling Web pages are readable when printed and retain their original appearance. Also, print settings are now easier to adjust, and SnagIt remembers your last-used settings.

New Callout Styles
SnagIt’s two new callout styles, plain and glassy, give you more flexibility than ever in customizing your callouts. The plain callouts are a little simpler, with less shading than SnagIt’s standard callouts. And, the new glassy callouts are not only cool, but they’re transparent – so they won’t obstruct your view of the words or images behind them.

Save and Organize your Custom Callouts
SnagIt lets you customize callout characteristics like size, shape, color and angle of rotation. With the new callout organizer, you can save your customized callouts for reuse again and again. Create categories for your callouts, and organize callouts by dragging and dropping them from one category to another. Your custom categories will appear in the Paint Tools menu with SnagIt’s default callouts, making them easily accessible while you are editing your captures.

SnagIt 8.2.0下载:点击下载SnagIt 8.2.0

