[推荐]Web 2.0对照表

2010-08-28 10:46:59来源:西部e网作者:

Arnaud Leene列了一个Web 2.0服务的对照表,看上去有点理想主义,但有一定的参考价值,节译如下:

  • 结构化微内容 - 一种服务应该允许对结构化微内容进行操作。这可以是数据存储服务或数据加工服务;
  • 外部数据 - 数据主要来自外部。因而一种服务主要关注的应该是处理微内容,而不是存储微内容。这也意味着一种服务应该允许从外部获取数据。这既可以是通过一个feed,也可以是一种导入功能。这也意味着用户对他的数据拥有全部控制权(编辑、删除,等等);
  • 许可 - 用户决定每个微内容项的使用许可。这种许可可以区分私人数据、群组数据以及公开数据;
  • 丰富的feed - 一种服务应该提供可供用户订阅的很多feed,这些feed应该以任何可能的方式融合并匹配于经过处理的微内容;
  • Web API - 一种服务应该提供很多的Web API,以便将其功能整合到其他的服务中;
  • 桌面集成 - 一种服务应该不只依赖于网络,还应该与桌面进行紧密集成。比方说,可以通过微内容客户端实现;
  • 单一身份 - 一个用户在所有他所使用的服务中无需多次创建他的身份,只有一个可以导出到其他服务的单一身份就够了(当然可以有多个角色);
  • 微Web - 用户应该可以在某个领域中随意穿越微内容空间。在一个单独的领域内,用户可以从一个微内容项,转到相关的其他微内容项。何为相关由用户自己决定。就是说看到一个名字“Arnaud Leene”,就可以查阅相关的FOAF文件、blog、tag等等;
  • 非预设结构 - 一种服务应该支持灵活的微内容结构。就是说这种结构不是预设的,而是由用户决定的。

Arnaud Leene的原文如下:

I have come up with the following points:

  • Structured MicroContent - a service should be able to handle structured MicroContent. This can be the data stored at the service or processed by the service;
  • Data Outside - the data should be primarily outside. Thus main focus of a service should be processing MicroContent and not storing MicroContent. This also implies that the service should be able to get the outside data. This can either be by a feed (limited window) or an import function. This also implies that the user is in full control (datalibre compliant) of his data (edit, delete, etc.);
  • Licenses - for each MicroContent Item the user determines the usage license. One can differentiate here between private data, i.e. data that is only for the user and thus has a very restrictive license, group data, where for each Item is determined which other user might do something with it, and public data, for which the Creative Commons licenses are valid. (remark: I might throw this one out, as it is strongly related to Data Outside);
  • Feeds Galore - A service should have many feeds to which clients can subscribe. This feeds mix and match the processed MicroContent in any way imaginable. Feeds can be compound in nature and use many types of enclosures. These feeds allow for syndication of MicroContent;
  • Web API's - a service should offer many Web API's, which allow their functionality to be integrated in other services;
  • Desktop Integration - A service should not only live on the network, but also allow tight integration with the desktop. This can for instance be achieved with MicroContent clients.
  • Single Identity - A user should not have to copy with creating identities at all services he wants to use. It should be sufficient to have a single identity (but multiple personae) that can exported to service;
  • MicroWeb - the user should be able traverse MicroContent space on the field level. From a single field in a MicroContent Item, the user should be able to go to relevant other MicroContent Items. The user decides for himself what is relevant. Thus seeing a name "Arnaud Leene", he should be able to go to the relevant FOAF-file, Weblog, tags, etc;
  • lowercase Structure - a service should support lowercase MicroContent structure. This implies that the structure is not set beforehand, but is determined by the user. There are no standard setting committees or services that set structure in stone;
  • Placeholder - this checkpoint is a placeholder for something that I have not yet thought of, or seen on the Web;

Ok, this is checklist version 2.0. It is still a moving target. I might change some things as I experiment with applying it.

